My Photo Contest
CDE Spay & Neuter Fund

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Fund Raisers for the
CDE Spay and Neuter Fund


Get a Kitai Mug or T-shirt on!

100% of the profits
will be donated to the
CDE Spay and Neuter Fund!

A CDE original design,
our own humorous way to
promote spay and neuter.
OK, well maybe just neutering
for doggie daddies not afraid
to make a statement!

Also available on boxers
for those who feel the shirt
may be TMI for the general

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My thanks to all who donate or link to this page. And to the SVACA for helping me to find those in need of the funds collected here.

And much appreciation to Constance of the Friends of Watsonville Animal Shelter who has graciously volunteered to mentor me as I begin the process of launching my program. Her guidance has been priceless to me.

For now, my plans are on hold as the amount of free time I have available is less then what I had anticipated due to my current involvement with the National Marrow Donor Program following my cousin Tami's illness and need for a stemm cell transplant. You can visit her website at

Part of the Solution: The Cutest Dog Ever Spay and Neuter Fund

I truly believe that the best way to help stop animals from being euthanized in shelters is to address the source and help lower the number of unplanned litters of puppies bred each year. In the future I would like to dedicate my efforts to begin a non-profit program* raising funds to help pay for the altering of pets belonging to those who, for a multitude of reasons, want to spay or neuter their pet(s), but simply can't afford to.

The CDE fund will donate 100% of the funds collected to pay for 100% of the altering fee for those selected to benefit from this program. All I will request in return is a photo of each pet to post here on this page so that those who donate can see the actual animals altered through their donations. Currently this has created a glitch as I have not had the time to implement the program myself and the Shelter by law, cannot request photos of the beneficiaries of the fund.

To date the CDE Spay & Neuter fund has raised $1760.00 that I am hoping to implement into a working fund as soon as possible.

If you would like to make a donation to help the SVACA please CLICK HERE to visit their website

and click on the Donate Link.

It is estimated that the state of California is forced to euthanize 450,000 dogs, cats, puppies and kittens each year simply because nobody wanted them.

* I am not a 501c3 charity. Just an average citizen trying to help be part of the solution to solve the terrible problem our city shelters face on a daily basis.

Photo of Kitai and Mom by: Wendy Maclaurin Richardson

Please request a written release from our administrator to use or reproduce any images for any purpose.
All contents Copyright © 2006 - 2013 All rights reserved.

*The donation information on this website is only verified by the original source.
Cutest Dog Ever does not investigate or assume responsibility for the accuracy of the
information regarding donation requests or pledges provided on this site.